Honour-related violence and oppression given its own sub-goal
The Swedish government has announced the introduction of a new gender equality policy sub-goal aimed at preventing and combating honour-related violence and oppression.

Honour-related violence and oppression currently fall under the sub-goal that men's violence against women should cease. By introducing a distinct sub-goal, the government aims to address these issues more comprehensively, including tackling masculinity norms and the collective aspects of honour-based oppression.
The most recent adjustment to the gender equality policy sub-goals occurred in 2017, when the sub-goals of Gender-Equal Education and Gender-Equal Health were introduced. In August 2023, the government commissioned an inquiry that includes considerations for a sub-goal concerning honour-related violence and oppression. This inquiry has previously submitted an interim report and is expected to present its final report in February.
Several processes related to the area
The Swedish Gender Equality Agency has several government assignments related to honour-related violence and oppression. The most imminent is a task to map and analyse the prevalence of child marriage, forced marriage, and polygamy, with a final report due by 27 February 2025. Additionally, the agency has begun preparations to assume operations of the National Competence Centre for Honour-Related Violence and Oppression from 1 January 2026, following a government decision in December 2024.
The government has also initiated an inquiry to enhance efficiency, long-term sustainability, and improved strategic governance within the gender equality policy sub-goals of Equal Distribution of Power and Influence, Economic Gender Equality, Gender-Equal Education, Equal Distribution of Unpaid Home and Care Work, and Gender-Equal Health.
Publication date: 7 February 2025
Last updated: 7 February 2025