Traditional masculinity norms fuel crime

Crime is not merely a matter of individual choices but also a reflection of societal norms that shape our behaviours and relationships. Research shows that traditional masculinity norms, with their emphasis on strength, control, and risk-taking, play a significant role in the overrepresentation of men in crime statistics. By recognising and transforming these norms, we can also reduce violence and criminality.

"Fokus på problematisk maskulinitet och våld – väcker motstånd: - Inte alla män – Överdrivet – Hänt så mycket – Värre därborta – Att lyfta frågor är att förvärra

As part of JIM+, the Swedish Gender Equality Agency’s initiative for gender mainstreaming through knowledge exchange, four county administrative boards convened to share experiences on crime prevention efforts. Jesper Fundberg, an ethnologist and senior lecturer at the Police Programme in Malmö, opened the session by discussing masculinity and violence.

Masculinity norms often revolve around being strong, maintaining control, and asserting the right to define situations. Traditional norms demand that men avoid displaying weakness, fear, or femininity, which is frequently reflected in language and actions that reinforce hierarchies while obscuring alternative roles. Resorting to violence or engaging in criminal activities can become a means of proving one’s masculinity, especially in environments where these norms are deeply entrenched.

Men who leave radical groups often do so because they find new forms of community and recognition, rather than due to questioning the group’s ideology.

Groups significantly influence how masculinity is expressed by individuals. In male-dominated settings, unspoken rules often dictate that one must appear strong and loyal, creating pressure to conform to norms that encourage criminal behaviour. At the same time, these norms can be burdensome—those who fail to meet expectations risk becoming victims of violence themselves.

– Crime and masculinity are closely linked, yet a gender perspective is often missing from many crime prevention initiatives. Gender-blind analyses and measures obscure the power structures and norms that drive criminal behaviour, says Jennifer Bolin, investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency.

Violence and masculinity should be viewed as a matter of degree rather than a categorical difference, according to Jesper Fundberg. The masculinity norms that fuel crime mirror the broader societal norms we uphold. Consequently, meaningful change must occur across society to effectively prevent crime and violence. This insight is crucial to avoid the “monsterification” of certain individuals, which risks concealing structural factors.

Change is possible

Masculinity norms are not static; they evolve over time. Positive change can be achieved by offering alternative ways to express masculinity, particularly for young men. Creating environments where violence and crime are not prerequisites for earning respect is a key part of this work. Studies also indicate that men who disengage from radical groups often do so because they discover new communities and sources of recognition, rather than because they reject the ideology.

Despite the strong links between crime and masculinity, change is possible. By systematically working to break this connection, we can foster a more socially sustainable society—one where criminality is not a pathway to recognition.

A crucial aspect of engaging boys and men in prevention efforts is encouraging their role as bystanders who set boundaries against harmful behaviours. By promoting an active and positive role, we reduce the risk of the work being perceived as accusatory or blame-oriented, which could otherwise create resistance and hinder progress.

Another important factor is understanding the challenges municipalities face, supporting their long-term efforts, and ensuring their initiatives have a lasting impact.

– Knowledge about the link between masculinity, violence, and criminality must be utilised and incorporated into crime analysis to make prevention efforts more precise and effective at a societal level. As government agencies, we must support municipalities in this work, says Jennifer Bolin, investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency.

Challenges faced by municipalities in gender mainstreaming for crime and violence prevention

  • Lack of gender-disaggregated statistics: This makes it difficult to identify patterns related to perpetrators and victims.
  • Insufficient organisational capacity: Some municipalities lack the resources to conduct analyses incorporating intersectional perspectives or addressing different types of crime, such as sexual offences, honour-based violence, and human trafficking.
  • Gender perspective treated as an “add-on” rather than integrated: This results in ineffective analyses and interventions, as gender equality is often handled separately from crime prevention.

The Swedish Gender Equality Agency supports the development of violence prevention work through knowledge and methodological assistance. We organise seminars for our target groups and have produced a knowledge overview on men’s responsibility for gender equality and the prevention of male violence against women.

Read more

Guide to gender mainstreaming
Guide to violence prevention work

Gender mainstreaming

Publication date: 23 March 2025

Last updated: 23 March 2025